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Photo: Nils Sjöholm


NANNA is an event and production agency that focuses on experience and feeling. With detail, warmth and a holistic perspective, we create events, communication and media that bring us closer together.

based in, but not limited to, Malmö, Sweden.

NANNA has many years of experience and expertise in event production, communication and norm-creative working methods. With a broad network in the cultural sector consisting of performers, artists and actors as well as comedians, producers and food and drink producers, we create personal events, content and communication.

NANNA; a grandmother and she who fixes everything. Bold in Old Norse and "mother queen" in Ghanaian.

NANNA was Elin Hörberg's great-grandmother. Elin is the creator of Nanna. Nanna is the creator of Elin. (One of them, at least.)

Read more about what we offer here .

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